The Nichols

The Nichols

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cruising the Kitchen

Jake had the idea over the weekend to go and get Vaughn a walker since he LOVES to walk around while we hold him up. I was a little skeptical, I was sure he would get how to "walk" in it. Boy was I wrong. We went to the store and put him in one to see how he would react to it. It took a minute of pushing him until he realized he could move himself. The rest is more or less history. Vaughn was in hog heaven cruising up and down the aisle. Jake and I love it because he can trek across the kitchen while we do other things, like making dinner. While we love it ,Molly, our landlords dog is staying with us for the week, isn't loving it. Vaughn is now mobile and can go after her.

Sadly blogger wont let me upload the video :(

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