The Nichols

The Nichols

Monday, August 31, 2009

Moments of Genius

Everyone has those moments when you do something that is total genius, a real Einstein moment. This is not the total genius that has bettered you life or someone else. The type of total genius that I speak of is one dripping with sarcasm. I locked my keys in the car. On a weekend it wouldn't have been so bad. I could just get the spare from Jake and everything would be just dandy. Instead, it is Monday morning, Jake has just left for work (not more than 10 minutes before), and I am running late for work. My hand drops into the purse seeking my keys. No luck. I jiggle my purse to locate them, no sound. My eyes slowly raise to my car sitting patiently in its parking spot waiting for me to bring it to life with the turn of a key and start moving toward work. This is when my mind kicks into reverse and I remember what I had done. My mental booty is now sore from me kicking it repeatedly. The keys are sitting in the little compartment next to the steering wheel behind the securely locked door.

At this point I have to call Jake and work and let them know what has happened. Jake is a little frustrated at my brilliant revelation, since he is on his way to work with no way to turn around and help me out. When I am finally able to talk with work I have to explain my genius. Yet, the stars and the cosmos seem to have aligned in my favor. My student is sick and wont be there, and my boss says not to worry about coming in today. What?!

In the end everything works out and I don't have to worry anymore. Now I have an unexpected day off and I also have to figure what to do with myself for the rest of the day until Jake can come home and unlock my car. I should just be grateful that everything worked out and I don't have to worry about being late for work and enjoy my day off.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Exercise: Week 3 Update

As many of you know I have started a new workout routine that has me pumping more iron, running more miles, and raising my heart rate to new heights. It has been 3 whole weeks since I officially started this new regime and my body has been acting accordingly:

  1. Being tired all the time
  2. A little achy in the morning/evening
  3. 5 pounds lighter
  4. Able to run 4 miles on the elliptical (rather than dying after 3)
  5. Chase down and restrain my student with more ease
  6. Calves that have more definition when flexed (I love this!)
  7. A stronger ankle (the one that I hurt) I don't roll it as much
  8. Fit better in my pants/shorts
  9. Needing the daily exertion or it gets antsy
  10. And just feeling better all-a-round
I know it has only been a few weeks, but I can see a very small change. I am hoping that if I keep this up and continue to watch what I eat I'll be able to make my 20 pound goal by the end of the program and keep it off. I would love to get down to the weight (or less) that I was prior to moving to Utah.
There is a lot of work yet for to do and I know that it wont be easy, but I have had a little success and that helps to motivate me to continue and achieve my desired goals.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


For those of you that have been to my apartment, you know that the color scheme is mostly...well brown. Not the most flattering of colors when your carpet looks like poo brown, with a shade of yellow that has a hint of brown it. It makes is feel cramped. To top it off the couches are a horrid blue plaid with tan and brown stripping and feels like burlap when you lay on it it transfers the pattern onto your face. It has been a long time dream of mine to get some couch covers that would cover the eyesore and maybe even brighten the room up a little. My wish has been granted!
My sister has been telling me about this website called Basically it is an online local forum that people can join that allows people to post their wants and things they are willing to give away. It is totally free and all you need to do is act fast and then pick it up.
Since I am the cheap person that I am, I signed up in hopes of finding my slip covers. No luck. The trick was to post my 'want' and Ta-Da i got an email from a woman in Cedar Hills the next day who saw the post and remembered she had some in her basement just sitting in a plastic tub for years.
I have to admit they aren't the ideal perfect color that I was looking for, but when you aren't willing to go out and buy new ones the denim covers sure don't look bad for being free. It is just amazing what a little color can do to make my front room a little more inviting and comfortable.
I was lucky, a lot of the things that are on there happen to be baby related i.e. strollers, clothes, cribs etc... It is just nice to know I can get the things I need for the cost of a gallon of gas. I think it is a great deal.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No pain no loss

Recently I have made it a goal to lose some of the "more to love" I have acquired over the last year. Why is it easier to add rather than shed. That isn't true. Some people are able to bounce up and down with little effort, while it is a real struggle for those like me. I just want to be able to look in the mirror and like what I see and not cringe and shy away from it. Being able to fit into my clothes again would be an added bonus since a new wardrobe isn't in the budget at the moment.

To aid me in my desire to shed inches and pounds, while adding definition and tone I have employed the help of my local gym with its equipment and a website the has prescribed a work out regimen for me to follow.

I am one of the people that needs something to follow or nothing will happen. While I am motivated to do the needed work, I don't have an overall knowledge of exercises that need to be done to achieve that desired results. I can run my heart out and lift weights, but nothing ever seems to come of it. So I need the guidance of a "trainers" knowledge to know what and how many of whatever I am doing. It seems to make a difference when I am more accountable for what I do.

At the moment my muscles are screaming at me for putting them through such a grueling first day, but deep down they know it for their own good. So as I hobble around and strain to stand and sit I have to keep reminding myself that this is for my own good and I will be happier at the end of my 12 week program. If it successful then it will become a perpetual thing. I think it will, but only time and my pant size will tell.