The Nichols

The Nichols

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Holy War thoughts

This last weekend was a big one for all the college football fans in Utah. Yes it was the big game, the Holy War, The Duel, the long and always awaited Byu vs. U of U game. It was an amazing game for not only the teams but also the Mountain West Division. The outcome of the game may have cause some significant changes for teams in our beloved college division...namely the BCS Championship. But before I get that rant I'll start with the actual game. I was fortunate enough to have scored two tickets to be able to witness this much anticipated game. Through a long cold night at the U, patience, and some wonderful arguing skills from my sister-in-law Tiffany my siblings and their spouses were also able to join in on the fun. Now my family is divided with a brother that has crossed over to the enemies ranks along with his adorable wife, it was left to my sister and I (for some reason our husbands don't care much for the sport though they humor us :P) to cheer our team on in the hostile territory. Our tickets were for the U students (what can I say the tickets were free!) and we were heckled and harassed relentlessly, along with a small group of BYU that grouped together.
For those of you who really know you know that I don't really like contention, though I understand it is a fact of life sometimes. I am also all for a good rivalry, so long as it is in good spirits. It really saddened me when I was cussed at, made fun of, blocked from moving freely up and down the mountainous terrain of the highest bleachers to simply go to the restroom. I have to admit that it was distressing when people went so far as to spit on the opposing teams fans just because they happened to have tickets in the same section. It was an amazing game and thankfully our group didn't have issues once we found a place to stand, but I watched as it became more and more brutal. By the end of the game, which I congratulate U of U for winning they deserved it can't beat a perfect season, I came to the conclusion that if you stoop down to the level of open harassment and belittling you are required to have a significant drop in intelligence. I say this because it seemed that it was those of a less intelligent manner and manners were those making it a less desirable environment to be in. My brother and I heckled but we never crossed the line in to blatant crudeness. It was in good spirit of the game and we enjoyed our time together.
What I found most interesting was the fighting amongst the U's own fans. I watched as a couple of people almost came to blows over what another had said. I address my earlier comment about loss of brain function. Those of us with a higher function quickly moved away to avoid personal injury. It just makes me shake my head and wonder......why?
As for me I am not bitter, U of U you deserved to win for a variety of reasons (BYU you really dropped the ball and I mean that both figuratively and literally).

Enjoy possible BCS Bowl game and I will be cheering for you. Just remember there is always next year!

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Happy List

I am just so happy right now. While there are a lot of things that I am happy about there are a couple of things in particular that I am most joyous about.
  1. Family- I am just so happy to have such a wonderful family, both the old and the new. It is just a wonderful thing being able to see my family all the time. What a blessing it is to be able to go to their respective homes and spend time with the. Most recently Jake and I were able to go to my sisters house for Sunday dinner. I can't express how much fun it was just relaxing, eating delicious food, talking, and playing with my wonderful nephew and nieces. There are times when I can't help but be in awe at what angels my sister has been blessed with those kids are amazing. While it makes me feel old seeing them grow up and remembering when they were just a figment of my sisters imagination I can't help but marvel at how quickly they learn and love. Jake has been officially integrated into the family by those girls. Kalea has learned how to say his name, while Mele and Uilani instantly jump on him the first chance they get and have to be peeled off with butter and a spatula. They are so willing to love him and it makes me overjoyed. This is not to say that the same hasn't happened to me. His nephew Wyatt always gets the cutest little grin whenever he see me. What an opportunity I get when Jessie needs me to babysit for a few hours. We always have tons of fun playing with his ball, reading a book, or me chasing him around the living room while he tries to hide. It is a real blast and I wouldn't change it for anything. My parents are the best and I miss them everyday as I count down the days till I get to see them again. My in-laws bless their hearts are always so welcoming to me as they know I spend a lot of time by myself while Jake is off bettering himself for our benefit. My siblings-in-law are great too making me feel more and more part of the family. I just love my family both the near and the far.
  2. Stress Release- The last couple of weeks have been a stress: physically, emotionally, mentally. With everything that has been going on lately both on a personal and more general level the stress levels have been rising. I have been battling a chest cold that does not seem to want to leave, Jake has been stressed about school and all of the things that go with that, the cold weather is a foreign matter for me, my mom and her health issues, and the situation with my dad and the possible loss of his job in a few months has been putting some unwanted stress on the family as a whole and individually. It came to a head when I wanted nothing to do with anybody for a day and was more than content to sit and stew alone. But it changed, while those things are still there Jake and I were able to get on better terms and that seemed to make the difference. How nice it is to just be with another person and just BE. There doesn't need to be talking, holding a hand, laughing, or a hug is enough. It is amazing what a stress reliever that can be. Also baking an apple pie helps by keeping the hands busy and the mind centered on a particular task helps. It is a wonder what not really thinking can do for a person, you can organize and sort through everything so much better.
  3. Having a Job- In these uncertain economic times it is just a blessing to have a job Jake and I can go to everyday. Granted we aren't racking in to dough, but we are doing well enough to stay where we are with relative comfort and ease. We are happy to have an apartment and money to get the things that we need. It is dreadful how many families are not as lucky as some are. That is something that I pray for everyday that those that are in need will be able to find something to fit their situations. There is nothing worse than losing that security. Remember those in need and try to help where you can.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another milestone reached

Something on a significant scale happened today at 9:30am at Walden School in Provo. What happened today has been happening to people since dawn of time, or at least since schools have made fieldtrips a common occurrence. I Sashalai Nichols become a chaperon. When did I become old enough that I was mature and able to be given such a responsibility? Isn't this something that is reserved for parents, grandparents, and teachers? It was just a little odd for me to be responsible for the safety of getting three elementary school girls to and from the Utah Valley Symphony at the Provo Tabernacle. I was a little befuddled as to when I had crossed over that line from being just a tutor to being a overseer of young children's lives. I know it wasn't all that far from school to downtown Provo, but still it felt like I had passed a milestone somewhere and forgot to properly pay my dues as a parent first. All in all it was a great trip, I got to listen to some amazing music, be proud that at least the kids that I was directly and indirectly responsible for were being quiet and respectful to the performers and other music-goers. I am looking forward to another opportunity to go out and have fun with the kids and have an adventure with them again.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trick or Treat

Halloween has come and gone. What always amazes me is how much we anticipate the holidays and yet how quickly they are there and gone again. This year was the first year that I didn't go out with friends to pathetically beg others for candy or attend a party of some kind. It was my first year as a married woman, yet sadly I didn't dress up with my husband in a cheesy couples ensemble, though it would have been awesome had Jake and I done that (What a cute Peter Pan he would have been). Instead, I dressed up for work. I find it very sad when the adults don't dress up with the kids at a school. I donned my darling Tinkerbell outfit including matching shoes and wings and participated in the Halloween festivities at good ol' Walden School. It was so much fun to watch all the elementary kids march across the school in their costumes and help in the Halloween party with Miss. Sage & Miss Merin's room. It was loads of fun! I was stationed at the Pictionary corner. It amazed me how creative kids are when an adult has a hard time discerning what a 6-8 is trying to draw.
In my mind the real fun didn't happen till later in the evening when I made my way out to Eagle Mountain to my sister's house to spend the evening with them. when I got there at 5:45 already the streets were being filled with the ghosts, vampires, superheros, princesses, pirates, and other mythical and scary beings that roam the land on Halloween. My three darling nieces were dressed and ready to go, Ui the fabulous Hannah Montana, Mele a dainty pink princess, and Kalea as an adorable green dragon made our way out into the throngs. Ui and Mele quickly left us to go out with a friend while Kalea, my sister, and I made our way around the block. My brother-in-law, George left early with Keioki (sorry still haven't learned how to spell it yet, pronounced Key-o-Key) who was dressed as a round Tigger, to man the house as children came to give the ultimate ultimatum Trick? or Treat?
What made this simple little outing fun beyond measure was what my cute little dragon would do. I had brought a bag of goldfish out with me to munch on as we strolled making the rounds to each doorstep. I gave her a few just because I felt charitable at the beginning. Well, what happened after that just made my sister and her husband laugh, was that every time she came back from a door she would put out her hand and expect a goldfish as a reward. It was so funny because she didn't care about the candy that she was being given as a prize, it was the exotic goldfish that I held that caught her attention. Who would have thought that a simple baked cheesy snack would hold such high standings with a two year old rather than brightly wrapped sugar coated sugar. It was also amazing what a brave little girl she was. Most kids her age scream if Mom or Dad leave their side at the door, not Kalea. She would run to the door, sometimes in the company of others other times solo and would not hesitate. Wondrous I say...wondrous.
After we made it around the block and I became the candy bag holder for the few steps it took to get from door to the next we made it back home. This next segment is precious and very much Kalea. Shayla (my sister), George, Keoki, Kalea, and I sat down to eat some dinner. I was the closest to the door, so I'd walk over and hand out the candy. After doing this a few times I thought it fun to have Kalea help me put it in their buckets, bags, and/or pillowcases. If only I would have known what a hit this would be, I would have had her help me before. Kalea got so excited helping me she'd bolt across the kitchen and living room to get to the door before me. What made it even more entertaining was every time there was a knock her whole body would go ridged for a second with eyes popping out of her head and then she would scrambled down from her chair in record speed and make it to the door before I had taken a few steps. It was amazing how quickly she could be to the door hands at the ready to distribute the much desired sugary goodness. The parents and kids thought it adorable that I had such a devoted and enthusiastic helper. After delivering the candy she would wave and say "Bye-bye" and return to the table for another go.
After doing this several times she would open her eyes wide, point to the door and say with silent enthusiasm "Was that the door? Time to go give out more candy!?" What a funny child she is. And oh how much I love her and my other nieces and nephew so very much. It was a real joy to be able to spend a few hours with them and just hang out as Cool Auntie. Who needs parties when you have nieces that are just so adorable and are willing to be silly and play.

All in all it was a good Halloween.