The Nichols

The Nichols

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Give me a 5, 6, 7, 8

Alright it has been awhile and I have a few pictures to add to the interwebs. The reason for this post is to announce that Vaughn is a boy of increasing talents. In the same month he has started to wave and sprouted 4 new teeth. One of those teeth came all by its lonesome, while the other three came at the same time a couple weeks later!! Yeah that was a fun time. Did I mention he was also sick and generally unhappy. Fun times. Though it is super cute to see his buck teeth when he smiles.

Now for something completely different......

We went to the zoo over President's Day weekend. Vaughn couldn't not have cared less. He was more interested in playing with the glass of the cages than anything else. Funny story to go with that. We were in the Rainforest area and he was playing with the glass when one of the small cats came pacing by. He flipped out. The look of pure surprise was hilarious. I am just sad I missed getting a shot of it. All in all it was a fun day with family and friends we haven't seen for a long time.

This is the cat that scared Vaughn. I feel like he is saying, "Are you accusing me of scaring him?! How dare you. I am too adorable for that."
Jake was so excited to see the otters. Vaughn liked to watch them too, but the glass was still more interesting

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