The Nichols

The Nichols

Friday, June 10, 2011

Quarter of a Century

I have officially been a quarter of a century for a full day. I know that I should feel old, but I don't. My visiting teachers came over to say happy birthday and we were talking about how your feel and how you look can be in serious opposition. I had to laugh because she was all "I feel like I'm still 20, but then I look in the mirror and my four kids and remember that I'm not." The question that I had to ask was, why does it matter what you think you should feel like? If you feel like you are twenty you shouldn't begrudge the fact that your number of years may not correspond with your inner person. I say hang on to that youthfulness for as long as possible. There are times when I feel like I am still 18 and feel like I can do anything. It is only when I have those grown-up decisions do I realize I am older than my inner-self. Ick.

I guess what I am trying to get across in my random ramblings is that you are only as old as you allow yourself to feel. Don't cheat yourself out of it.

1 comment:

Socorro Smith said...

Happy Birthday!! Yeaaah, I'm a whole month late on this one, anyway, I think that's an excellent sentiment! Over my lifetime I've had quite the tendency to make myself feel older than I am. I feel like I need to let myself feel young sometimes. It's much more fun to be young at heart than old and grumpy ;)