The Nichols

The Nichols

Friday, December 26, 2008

Our First Christmas

It is the day after Christmas and the Newlyweds have survived it. This was me and Jake's very first Christmas together, ever. Despite the fact that we have been together as a couple for five years this was the first time that we have spent the holiday in the same place at the same time. Those first couple of Christmases I would be here in Utah with my family and he would be with his, only to briefly cross paths during the crazy schedules that ensue at this time of year. Other times he was on a mission some 1,000 miles away, only able to exchange letters or a tape.

On Christmas Eve, Jake and I were able to accompany his parents as volunteers at Maglbey's for their, what I believe to be annual, Christmas dinner for the needy. What we did was basically become the waiters for a short time. It was so awesome to be able to provide service for those that are less fortunate, especially for this time of year when it is most needed. I was personally able to help several families and genuinely desperate people get a pipping hot turkey dinner with the trimmings. To be honest I was a little jealous that they were able to eat such a wonderful while I was only able to look at it while smelling the delicious aromas. Yet, in the end it was all worth it. The look of gratitude on their faces was better than any stuffing or potatoes I could ever have eaten. I only hope that they were able to have a warm holiday. I hope that Jake and I can make that a tradition in the coming years. It was hard work, but worth every second.

We woke to find the world covered in a thick blanket of frosty snow, underneath our tree was piled high with gifts from family. It was a glorious sight to behold. I was always told that a couple's first Christmas was supposed to be the one where you are grateful just to be together as a couple, basking in the warm glow of love, charity, and all those other warm fuzzies. It is true that we were basking as such, but it was also wonderful to be able to provide a few presents for each other and from those that love us most.

After the gift giving it was time to bundle up and head over to his parents for a Christmas brunch of biscuits and tomato gravy. The house was merry, the food was perfect, and the company was too. Jessie, Jake's sister, and family were also able to join us making it all the better (It made me yearn for my own family as we would all sit and have a hot breakfast of pancakes or french toast. Hopefully we will be able to do that again in the future). Once we were stuffed like a bunch of turkeys we had a fabulous lazy afternoon before we headed to an Uncle's house for more mouth watering food and jolly company. Thankfully we made it safely there with only minor difficulties regarding a temperamental windshield wiper. It was a great fun to be able to meet and get to know more of Jake's family since I have had little opportunity to do so in the small time I have had here in Utah.

Once safely home for the night Jake and I staked claim to the couch to finish out our night with a holiday favorite of mine A Christmas Story. I just love how it shows that despite the antics and general dysfunction of most families they are still able to make the holidays great with laughter and good humor.

I am so grateful for this time of year when people are more open and soft hearted towards one another and let the true meaning of Christmas still ring and not be caught up in all of the commercial noise that blares in our ears and sparkles in our eyes. I am thankful for loving families that have such a warm glow about them beckoning us to enter their warm homes and embraces. There are not enough words in my vocabulary to express the deep appreciation I have for my parents that have always loved me and tried to ingrain the love they have for me and for those that they come in contact with. My heart overfloweth with the deep gratitude I have for my new family as they continue to welcome me into their inner-circle and accept my sometimes odd sense of humor and awkward tendencies. I adore my husband who puts up with everything that I do. Who loves me for me and wants nothing else.

I truly pray that everyone was able to have a fabulous Christmas and was able to remember the true meaning and share it with others. I love you all and wish you a safe, happy, and prosperous New Year.

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