The Nichols

The Nichols

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

I have put up and decorated my very first Christmas tree. It was a wonderful thing. My sister donated to the Newly Wed fund and let Jake and I borrow her little three foot tree. At first I was all bah-hum-bug about the whole thing because it was never going to be as big or pretty as my Mom's tree is every year. I looked forward to decorating that 9-foot tree every Thanksgiving, once all the food I had eaten had subsided slightly and I could fit under the stairs again. But this year I have my own tree, sort of, with my very own decorations.
I have to admit that the whole picking out of decorations was a real chore for me. The problem was that I couldn't decide what color scheme I wanted to go for and once I decided I couldn't find enough of that color. It was a real ordeal. Not just that I think that the cinnamon/pine smell was getting to my brain as well, only further driving the frenzy. Thankfully I can say that I made it out of the store without busting the bank.
Decorating my tree with the most exhilarating experience. Once I was home I could help but break out the lights, bulbs, and Christmas cheer. My whole attitude changed as I pranced around trying to make sure that the tree was lighted just so, with the different sizes and color bulbs placed on just the right branch, and lastly making the ribbon hang just right. It was wonderful. Once finished I couldn't help but sit back with the lights off and admire my handwork.
What makes this whole adventure perfect is the reaction of Jake when he first walked through the door, "Honey, that looks wonderful!" I am beaming at this point launching into my entire thought process while picking out and decorating our tree.

I love decorating Christmas trees. There is always an unexplainable joy that comes from it.


erin said...

looks wonderful! our christmas tree only has lights on it and three ornaments. im waiting til after christmas to get some bulbs 75% off. im a cheapo!

Our EyreLife said...


Just like it's decorator!