The Nichols

The Nichols

Thursday, September 11, 2008

One-Two-Three Kick!

Recently I joined the gym with Jake to shed some of the unwanted pounds I may or may not have gained since I moved. It has been great because I can feel a difference in mood. I feel better, I am sleeping deeper, for the most part I still have "those nights", and I seem to have more energy to get through the day. Granted my days aren't that strenuous...but still! I am loving it. What makes it better is that a friend of my mine from Livermore, yes Livermore the town I hail from, lives in Orem too and she is at the gym as well. It is always great being able to go with someone to be a more motivated to go after work.

So we had an adventure yesterday. We decided to go to one of the classes that they offer. It is the Body Firm class. We thought it was going to something that we would be able to pick up with little problem...this is not the case quite the opposite actually. Within the first few minutes we were so turned around that we couldn't really get with it. I am not joking when I say we were almost run over several times by an energetic old woman. I don't see how people are able to be so energetic and not die of overexertion. I have to admit that we felt really dumb flapping our arms and kicking our legs at weird angles and times while most of the others were hopping, bopping, kicking, punching, and hi-yaing with the over stimulating, not just the tempo but volume, music. We couldn't hear what was being said. While this sounds like a horrible experience I have to admit that it was fun being able to do it with someone who I have a friendship with so I didn't feel to idiotic. It was also nice to break the routine that we had and be able to do something different. All in all I think I'll stick with Richard Simmons with Sweatin' to the Oldies in all of his wonder of ultra-short shorts and hilarious expressions.


erin said...

hahaha sashalai! this seriously made me laugh out loud, because if ANYONE saw me try to follow along they probably wouldn't be my friend anymore. but b/c you were doing it too, thats why youll still be my friend. :) maybe in a few weeks we can give it another try when we are bored w/ the running. didnt make it to the gym yesterday for various reasons, but ill for sure be there monday! and i agree, so much better when you are looking for a friend when youre there. :)

Mom N said...

Loved the story of your adventure. Which gym do you go to? The one up by the mall? When are you there? I see Pixi (Dustin's mom) at that gym occasionally but she's always at some class (like "Body Firm"?) while I just try to stay anonymous on the machines and ex bike. Heh! It DOES feel good, doesn't it?
Love ya!

Our EyreLife said...

I have never really enjoyed that type of class at the gym. It seems almost an oxymoron to be exercsing in the same place...

However, I DO love to exercise and go to the I'll say GOOD FOR YOU for going! You look fab though, really.