The Nichols

The Nichols

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Take up the challenge!

Alright I am going to admit it.....the gym is now a luxury I don't have much time for anymore since Vaughn has changed his naptimes to later in the afternoon.  I was getting frustrated not being able to go to Piyo or just do a good cardio workout while Vaughn was in the childcare for an hour.

With that said I decided to humble myself and started doing this 90 challenge that my visit teaching companion has been doing. What is so fantastic is that this is being done with a real life woman who has babies of her own and isn't a twig sporting a sixpack that makes you feel like a whale. Yes ladies, she is a woman with curves. Shocking I know.  She is also struggling to shed those unwanted pounds and get a more flattering figure back. There is struggling, there is sweat, and by golly there is empowerment!

I am putting this out there because these exercises can be done while the babies are taking a nap or after they have gone down for the night. They generally only take about 20 minutes to complete with an additional 5 for warm up and cool down. SO that is a total of 30 minutes! Dinner takes more time to make than doing these.

Even though I am doing these I am going to continue to go to the gym when I can to get my alone time, and once it truly warms up I'll take Vaughn out for a walk as well to help encourage those excess jiggles to disappear. 

Here is the first of the videos. While I wont be wearing an actual bikini (I'll scare people with my tiger stripes) It will be nice to slim down again.

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