The Nichols

The Nichols

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"I'm old enough to know what I like!"

First and for most I am going to state that I'm really not that old. With that said I feel like an old lady. The reason behind this statement is that I am turning into one of those people that is slowly hardening my resolve to like the current trends, mostly in music. When I am in the car or listening to Pandora I find myself shuffling through my stations until I find a song that doesn't sound like...well noise. I can't tell you how often I have been listening and all the sudden I don't hear music anymore, but noise and it makes my teeth go on edge.
I was talking to Jake about this and he just laughed, agreed and then said "'I'm old enough to know what I like.'" 

This came from one of the best shows I've come across in awhile Modern Family. To give some context to this quote I'll briefly (or try to) the episode or segment(s) that this comes from.

Gloria is trying to get Manny to eat scrabbled eggs. Manny is saying he doesn't like it. Jay walks in and tells him to try it. Manny says he doesn't like it. Jay asks if he has tried it before. Manny hangs his had and says that he hasn't and concedes to try them. Fast Forward. Jay, Gloria, and Manny are going to a concert. Jay sees that it is for a classical concert and not a rock band. He stops and says he wont go in. Manny asks if he has ever tried it. Jay promptly says no. Manny then pulls the same tactic of trying new things. Jay simply and firmly says, "I'm old enough to know what I like!" This is when Jay storms off.

I am by no means trying to say that I am completely set in my ways, just in certain things (like my music). I just watch those who are older (grandparents, parents, aunt, uncles..etc) than me and find it funny how set in there way they are. This doesn't mean that it is a bad thing, just interesting how they perceive the ever changing world around them. I know that I'll be (am) set into certain patterns of thought and actions eventually. I am just a little taken aback that it has happened so early. Oh well. 

I guess what it all comes down to is comfort in familiarity.

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