It has been a little over two weeks, almost three, since school started. I am happy to report that my student and I, for the most part, don't want to tear at each others throats.
However, this is not what I want to talk about, though it is amazing news! His teacher is a new teacher. I don't mean just new to the school, but freshly graduated, as wet and green as you can get. This is not intended to be a mean, but more my observations and frustrations. I don't want to get up on a soapbox and preach that I always know better or more than she does. What I want to do is more vent. Ms. X as I will call her to protect her identity, is generally a great teacher. She keeps command of the class for the most part, they are a bunch of 4th graders (enough said), and has a okay grasp on the curriculum and what is expected of her.
For those who know me know that I don't like to be idle for too long I start to go crazy. When I am at work and my student is doing well I would like something else to do. I have made it clear to Ms. X that I am willing to correct, record scores, and do any other odd job that need to be done. I am also more than willing to read to the class after lunch recess to give her time to do her things and relax for a few more minutes. I am a little befuddled as to why she wouldn't take advantage of that the other, more seasoned, teachers leapt at the chance to catch up on things. Ms. X does not only further leading to her own tardiness in grading and so forth. This goes especially for teacher reading after lunch. I don't mean to toot my own horn and say I am the best, but she does not read aloud very well. I find, and I think the kids agree, it can be fairly flat and lifeless. This leads the kids to fiddling and whispering. However, in the past when I have read they tend to be a bit quieter and more attentive to the story. At the moment it isn't the most engaging story for the boys. I also try make sure that I am saying the correct words and bring them to life. I'm sorry but ogre (ˈō-gər) is NOT said orge (or-g). Orge is a river in France not a scary mythical creature to be feared by all who meet it.
Being the type of person I am I love to learn new information. They are learning about the earth in history class. Now, I understand that words will just fall out of your brain at times and you can't remember them for the life of ya. It happens to everyone, even me. Believe it or not! Now if that word is supplied you wouldn't take offense. Ms. X has. I am instructed not to correct her on pronunciation or information. This is to be done after the class is gone. Wha..?! If wrong information or words are being taught is it not the responsibility of those listening (and know the proper info) to fix it at the time of instruction so the wrong can be righted and said incorrect info is not ingrained. It is always harder to correct something if it is left to sit and take root. I don't want to imply that I think she isn't a smart individual, but why hamper freely given or accessed knowledge? The other teachers I have worked with always welcomed my two cents as it were. They would even ask for it during lectures. It is not as though I am talking down to her or being rude about it, only piping up when needed.
Then again those other teachers were much more experienced and confident in themselves. In so being, were comfortable to be told when they were doing something not quite right and correct it then. I guess the moral of this story is, keep my mouth shut and nose in a book to keep said mouth shut. Ms. X will need to learn for herself since she doesn't want to hear it from me.
I guess I need to get off my soapbox even if I didn't intend to jump on it in the first place.
The Nichols

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Back to School
Like all good things they must eventually come to an end. Yes Moms and Dads it is back to school time. For some it is a time of celebration, the kids will be out of the house for most of the day and you don't have to hear the dreaded words, "I'm bored", or "(S)He's touching me!", or just screaming in general. However there is always a twinge of remorse (or so I have heard from some parents) that they can't just be with their kids and go out on adventures or play at the park all day.
I for one am happy that another summer is ending! It means I get to go back to work at a school where your darling little dears get to harass me all day. Sarcasm aside, I do love my job. Just like kids I need the mental stimulation that comes with book-learning or teaching as the case maybe. While I don't enjoy the paper grading, indoor recesses, smelly/sweaty kids, and clamor that is lunch, I do enjoy watching their little minds grow, make connections, and listen/watch them interact and have to remember I was once like that.
With this new school year it will be one of change. My student (now in 4th grade) will be moving half way through the school year to a new country(!). I am not excited about the potential anxieties and emotional turmoil that will come as it gets closer. It did not go well when he first found out.
It will have its challenges since the class as a whole will be starting into the mutant stages of being a preteen. They will be treated more like adults and not little kids. This will mean more personal responsibility for work and the condition it is turned in as, having to deal (more) with their own problems and finding an acceptable solution to them. Oh growing pains. So glad that I have gotten passed -most- of them.
On to completely different though slightly connected tangent! With the start of this new school year it also marks the beginning of the end for my dear sweetheart and his school career. Jake will only have two semesters left and then he graduates with a double bachelors in Accounting and Finance! I am so excited to see he walk this spring. It will be nice not to have to buy books or pay for tuition for awhile, at least until he decides he wants to get a Masters. By then hopefully he will have started a "real" job and the company can help foot the bill. We only need to get through the next nine months. I am hoping we will have more wonderful news to spread as the months pass.
I for one am happy that another summer is ending! It means I get to go back to work at a school where your darling little dears get to harass me all day. Sarcasm aside, I do love my job. Just like kids I need the mental stimulation that comes with book-learning or teaching as the case maybe. While I don't enjoy the paper grading, indoor recesses, smelly/sweaty kids, and clamor that is lunch, I do enjoy watching their little minds grow, make connections, and listen/watch them interact and have to remember I was once like that.
With this new school year it will be one of change. My student (now in 4th grade) will be moving half way through the school year to a new country(!). I am not excited about the potential anxieties and emotional turmoil that will come as it gets closer. It did not go well when he first found out.
It will have its challenges since the class as a whole will be starting into the mutant stages of being a preteen. They will be treated more like adults and not little kids. This will mean more personal responsibility for work and the condition it is turned in as, having to deal (more) with their own problems and finding an acceptable solution to them. Oh growing pains. So glad that I have gotten passed -most- of them.
On to completely different though slightly connected tangent! With the start of this new school year it also marks the beginning of the end for my dear sweetheart and his school career. Jake will only have two semesters left and then he graduates with a double bachelors in Accounting and Finance! I am so excited to see he walk this spring. It will be nice not to have to buy books or pay for tuition for awhile, at least until he decides he wants to get a Masters. By then hopefully he will have started a "real" job and the company can help foot the bill. We only need to get through the next nine months. I am hoping we will have more wonderful news to spread as the months pass.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
"I'm old enough to know what I like!"
First and for most I am going to state that I'm really not that old. With that said I feel like an old lady. The reason behind this statement is that I am turning into one of those people that is slowly hardening my resolve to like the current trends, mostly in music. When I am in the car or listening to Pandora I find myself shuffling through my stations until I find a song that doesn't sound like...well noise. I can't tell you how often I have been listening and all the sudden I don't hear music anymore, but noise and it makes my teeth go on edge.
I was talking to Jake about this and he just laughed, agreed and then said "'I'm old enough to know what I like.'"
This came from one of the best shows I've come across in awhile Modern Family. To give some context to this quote I'll briefly (or try to) the episode or segment(s) that this comes from.
Gloria is trying to get Manny to eat scrabbled eggs. Manny is saying he doesn't like it. Jay walks in and tells him to try it. Manny says he doesn't like it. Jay asks if he has tried it before. Manny hangs his had and says that he hasn't and concedes to try them. Fast Forward. Jay, Gloria, and Manny are going to a concert. Jay sees that it is for a classical concert and not a rock band. He stops and says he wont go in. Manny asks if he has ever tried it. Jay promptly says no. Manny then pulls the same tactic of trying new things. Jay simply and firmly says, "I'm old enough to know what I like!" This is when Jay storms off.
I am by no means trying to say that I am completely set in my ways, just in certain things (like my music). I just watch those who are older (grandparents, parents, aunt, uncles..etc) than me and find it funny how set in there way they are. This doesn't mean that it is a bad thing, just interesting how they perceive the ever changing world around them. I know that I'll be (am) set into certain patterns of thought and actions eventually. I am just a little taken aback that it has happened so early. Oh well.
I guess what it all comes down to is comfort in familiarity.
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