The Nichols

The Nichols

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Exercise: Week 3 Update

As many of you know I have started a new workout routine that has me pumping more iron, running more miles, and raising my heart rate to new heights. It has been 3 whole weeks since I officially started this new regime and my body has been acting accordingly:

  1. Being tired all the time
  2. A little achy in the morning/evening
  3. 5 pounds lighter
  4. Able to run 4 miles on the elliptical (rather than dying after 3)
  5. Chase down and restrain my student with more ease
  6. Calves that have more definition when flexed (I love this!)
  7. A stronger ankle (the one that I hurt) I don't roll it as much
  8. Fit better in my pants/shorts
  9. Needing the daily exertion or it gets antsy
  10. And just feeling better all-a-round
I know it has only been a few weeks, but I can see a very small change. I am hoping that if I keep this up and continue to watch what I eat I'll be able to make my 20 pound goal by the end of the program and keep it off. I would love to get down to the weight (or less) that I was prior to moving to Utah.
There is a lot of work yet for to do and I know that it wont be easy, but I have had a little success and that helps to motivate me to continue and achieve my desired goals.


Nichols Family said...

Sasha! I'm so happy for you! Way to go!!!

Jessie Eyre said...

That's awesome! You look fantastic as it is, but I'm sure you FEEL more fantastic than ever! I'm sure addicted to my daily endorphin kick, too, so I know what you mean!

Keep us updated! Love ya!

Mary said...

Great job!!