It always amazes me how quickly time can fly by with you not really noticing it. Not only does time pass one by but when you stop and look back you come to realize that a lot has happened, and yet it feels as though nothing has really happened when it reality countless experiences and opportunities have been opened and closed.
With all of this inward reflecting it makes me smile that when we are kids a week, a month, or a year feels like an eternity. However, once you become an adult a week is a fleeting thought, a month a blink of an eye, and a year a simple small sigh and it gone. It feels like to me that I was starting in my college career and now I am married trying to get by. It is also amazing that I can look at my oldest niece and see her as the cute little newborn baby instead of the beautiful young lady she is turning into. Truly boggles the mind. I know that parents and grandparents have (and continue to) experienced this already, but for some reason it startles me. Before I know it I'll forty something with my kids screaming at me, phone ringing, and dinner burning on the stove and think back to how simple my life had once been and remember all the good, bad, and ugly and just smile, yet trying to figure out where it all went without me noticing.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I need to pay attention to and live every moment to its full potential.
With all of this inward reflecting it makes me smile that when we are kids a week, a month, or a year feels like an eternity. However, once you become an adult a week is a fleeting thought, a month a blink of an eye, and a year a simple small sigh and it gone. It feels like to me that I was starting in my college career and now I am married trying to get by. It is also amazing that I can look at my oldest niece and see her as the cute little newborn baby instead of the beautiful young lady she is turning into. Truly boggles the mind. I know that parents and grandparents have (and continue to) experienced this already, but for some reason it startles me. Before I know it I'll forty something with my kids screaming at me, phone ringing, and dinner burning on the stove and think back to how simple my life had once been and remember all the good, bad, and ugly and just smile, yet trying to figure out where it all went without me noticing.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I need to pay attention to and live every moment to its full potential.
Sing it sista! Just wait until you have kids of your own... but I know you and Jake try to seize every moment! Can't wait to see you again next week!!!
so true. i love our simply life right now. we'll look back and think these were the best days of our lives.
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