Summer is on it's way out and with it goes the heat. Thank goodness! Don't get me wrong I am certified California sun-worshiper, but the way the heat turns my apartment into a sauna is unbearable. I can't tell you how many times we had to go to sleep with the fans on full blast, on top of the blankets, a mile from each other (because we will burst into flames if we touch for more than a second), and with otter-pops pressed on our bodies to help ease to intensity of the agony of heat.
Summer is retreating and now Jake and I can enjoy nights of cuddling without having to sweat half our bodies weight for a few moments of husband and wife time. Not just that!! We were able to go and purchase our comforter for the bed. It is wondrous. Jake loves it because it adds the weight, heat, and classic conditioning that winter is coming. I am just happy that I can be in the apartment and not melt. I do have to admit that the cuddle time has gotten longer and more enjoyable, especially if it is a rain night and we can hear the sound of the rain hit the leaves outside our window, feel the breeze come in through the window, and smell of clean and wet while snuggled deep in our many layers of blankets. What a wonderful thing to share with someone you love, adore, and want to make those memories and connections with.
With the change of the seasons I also have this uncontrollable urge, need, and desire to make and eat all the holiday sweets. I am grateful that I don't have the resources and I have to the willpower to resist. But there is something about the cold weather that makes me want to bake and just swim in the delicious aromas that can be made, not to mention the savory tastes and textures that come with it. I also love the family time that ensues with this time of year. Family is a very important concept for me and when you can share these things with them, what could be better? I say nothing.
I say farewell to Summer and I gladly welcome Fall with open arms.
i see you at the gym sweating hard so you can eat sweets every once in awhile! :)
Amen, sistah!
I LOVE having heavy blankets on me and feeling FREEZING when I get out of bed in the morning. Sweating all night (you know what I mean...get your mind out of the gutter you newlyweds, you), is NOT fun. :)
We loved seeing you here on Sunday! And your rolls were DELICIOUS!!! Thanks again!
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