The Nichols

The Nichols

Friday, December 26, 2008

Our First Christmas

It is the day after Christmas and the Newlyweds have survived it. This was me and Jake's very first Christmas together, ever. Despite the fact that we have been together as a couple for five years this was the first time that we have spent the holiday in the same place at the same time. Those first couple of Christmases I would be here in Utah with my family and he would be with his, only to briefly cross paths during the crazy schedules that ensue at this time of year. Other times he was on a mission some 1,000 miles away, only able to exchange letters or a tape.

On Christmas Eve, Jake and I were able to accompany his parents as volunteers at Maglbey's for their, what I believe to be annual, Christmas dinner for the needy. What we did was basically become the waiters for a short time. It was so awesome to be able to provide service for those that are less fortunate, especially for this time of year when it is most needed. I was personally able to help several families and genuinely desperate people get a pipping hot turkey dinner with the trimmings. To be honest I was a little jealous that they were able to eat such a wonderful while I was only able to look at it while smelling the delicious aromas. Yet, in the end it was all worth it. The look of gratitude on their faces was better than any stuffing or potatoes I could ever have eaten. I only hope that they were able to have a warm holiday. I hope that Jake and I can make that a tradition in the coming years. It was hard work, but worth every second.

We woke to find the world covered in a thick blanket of frosty snow, underneath our tree was piled high with gifts from family. It was a glorious sight to behold. I was always told that a couple's first Christmas was supposed to be the one where you are grateful just to be together as a couple, basking in the warm glow of love, charity, and all those other warm fuzzies. It is true that we were basking as such, but it was also wonderful to be able to provide a few presents for each other and from those that love us most.

After the gift giving it was time to bundle up and head over to his parents for a Christmas brunch of biscuits and tomato gravy. The house was merry, the food was perfect, and the company was too. Jessie, Jake's sister, and family were also able to join us making it all the better (It made me yearn for my own family as we would all sit and have a hot breakfast of pancakes or french toast. Hopefully we will be able to do that again in the future). Once we were stuffed like a bunch of turkeys we had a fabulous lazy afternoon before we headed to an Uncle's house for more mouth watering food and jolly company. Thankfully we made it safely there with only minor difficulties regarding a temperamental windshield wiper. It was a great fun to be able to meet and get to know more of Jake's family since I have had little opportunity to do so in the small time I have had here in Utah.

Once safely home for the night Jake and I staked claim to the couch to finish out our night with a holiday favorite of mine A Christmas Story. I just love how it shows that despite the antics and general dysfunction of most families they are still able to make the holidays great with laughter and good humor.

I am so grateful for this time of year when people are more open and soft hearted towards one another and let the true meaning of Christmas still ring and not be caught up in all of the commercial noise that blares in our ears and sparkles in our eyes. I am thankful for loving families that have such a warm glow about them beckoning us to enter their warm homes and embraces. There are not enough words in my vocabulary to express the deep appreciation I have for my parents that have always loved me and tried to ingrain the love they have for me and for those that they come in contact with. My heart overfloweth with the deep gratitude I have for my new family as they continue to welcome me into their inner-circle and accept my sometimes odd sense of humor and awkward tendencies. I adore my husband who puts up with everything that I do. Who loves me for me and wants nothing else.

I truly pray that everyone was able to have a fabulous Christmas and was able to remember the true meaning and share it with others. I love you all and wish you a safe, happy, and prosperous New Year.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

I have put up and decorated my very first Christmas tree. It was a wonderful thing. My sister donated to the Newly Wed fund and let Jake and I borrow her little three foot tree. At first I was all bah-hum-bug about the whole thing because it was never going to be as big or pretty as my Mom's tree is every year. I looked forward to decorating that 9-foot tree every Thanksgiving, once all the food I had eaten had subsided slightly and I could fit under the stairs again. But this year I have my own tree, sort of, with my very own decorations.
I have to admit that the whole picking out of decorations was a real chore for me. The problem was that I couldn't decide what color scheme I wanted to go for and once I decided I couldn't find enough of that color. It was a real ordeal. Not just that I think that the cinnamon/pine smell was getting to my brain as well, only further driving the frenzy. Thankfully I can say that I made it out of the store without busting the bank.
Decorating my tree with the most exhilarating experience. Once I was home I could help but break out the lights, bulbs, and Christmas cheer. My whole attitude changed as I pranced around trying to make sure that the tree was lighted just so, with the different sizes and color bulbs placed on just the right branch, and lastly making the ribbon hang just right. It was wonderful. Once finished I couldn't help but sit back with the lights off and admire my handwork.
What makes this whole adventure perfect is the reaction of Jake when he first walked through the door, "Honey, that looks wonderful!" I am beaming at this point launching into my entire thought process while picking out and decorating our tree.

I love decorating Christmas trees. There is always an unexplainable joy that comes from it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thanksgiving Recap and More

I have been a complete and total bum lately when it comes to getting things done, like blogging. It isn't like I don't have things to talk about, quite the contrary. There are times when I am in the shower after a good day at the gym mulling over the things that have happened and think to myself, "That would be great to blog about." However, by the time I get out, dried off and dressed in winter appropriate clothes the thought has totally left my mind or I have lost that initial drive and end up doing a Sudoku puzzle or flipping through the endless brain drain known as the TV.
BUT!! I am going to change my slothful ways and do a quick recap on the last few weeks. This was the first time in my entire life that I didn't have Thanksgiving with my parents, while this is a sad notion I had wonderful supplements. Jake and I were able to spend Thanksgiving Day with my brother and wife's family, along with my sister's family. It was a great. After feasting the younger generation went down stairs to play Rock Band with my three nieces acting as our groupies/back-up singers and dancers. It was a real blast.
The next day I woke up at an unholy hour to help my sister with Black Friday shopping. For those of you that have not experienced it the best way that I can explain it is to picture a stream or pond full of fish. Now these fish are not your typical fish, these are ravenous piranhas. At first they are docile and unremarkable, but once there the clock strikes 5 am blood is shed. What a frenzy stores become over stuff. I was almost trampled twice, squished between carts three times, and generally bullied just so they could get to the next toy. It is an experience that I never want to have again.
After being mauled and forced to wait in the biggest log jam known to man for 2 1/2 hours I made it home in time to shower and sleep for an hour before Jake and I went up to Logan for another Thanksgiving. Thankfully I slept while he drove. Together with the Jake's family we had a fabulous dinner and spent a little time before we had to make the trek back down, so Jake could be to work at 6.
During this whole thing I have a friend staying with us and he provides Jake the immense opportunity and privilege to be his escort through the temple this coming weekend. You would think that would be all, but it is not. Jake is also informed that his best friend Geoff, ever since best friends counted i.e. high school, asked him to be the one to ordain him to the office of Preist. I am just brimming with joy and gratitude that I have married man that so many others look up to and admire and are willing to give him an opportunity to exercise his priesthood in so many different ways. Needless to say Jake and I are flying to California for the weekend in order to be there for my friend Sean and so I can see my parents as well (what a bonus!).

Both Jake and I are so happy to be living the Gospel and being able to see it influence our lives and those around us for the better. What blessing it is that the season of Thanksgiving and Gratitude is spread over two months. It gives us ample time (even though we have 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days anyway) have it be at the front of our thoughts. Know that I love you all, even though I may not say it all the time.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Holy War thoughts

This last weekend was a big one for all the college football fans in Utah. Yes it was the big game, the Holy War, The Duel, the long and always awaited Byu vs. U of U game. It was an amazing game for not only the teams but also the Mountain West Division. The outcome of the game may have cause some significant changes for teams in our beloved college division...namely the BCS Championship. But before I get that rant I'll start with the actual game. I was fortunate enough to have scored two tickets to be able to witness this much anticipated game. Through a long cold night at the U, patience, and some wonderful arguing skills from my sister-in-law Tiffany my siblings and their spouses were also able to join in on the fun. Now my family is divided with a brother that has crossed over to the enemies ranks along with his adorable wife, it was left to my sister and I (for some reason our husbands don't care much for the sport though they humor us :P) to cheer our team on in the hostile territory. Our tickets were for the U students (what can I say the tickets were free!) and we were heckled and harassed relentlessly, along with a small group of BYU that grouped together.
For those of you who really know you know that I don't really like contention, though I understand it is a fact of life sometimes. I am also all for a good rivalry, so long as it is in good spirits. It really saddened me when I was cussed at, made fun of, blocked from moving freely up and down the mountainous terrain of the highest bleachers to simply go to the restroom. I have to admit that it was distressing when people went so far as to spit on the opposing teams fans just because they happened to have tickets in the same section. It was an amazing game and thankfully our group didn't have issues once we found a place to stand, but I watched as it became more and more brutal. By the end of the game, which I congratulate U of U for winning they deserved it can't beat a perfect season, I came to the conclusion that if you stoop down to the level of open harassment and belittling you are required to have a significant drop in intelligence. I say this because it seemed that it was those of a less intelligent manner and manners were those making it a less desirable environment to be in. My brother and I heckled but we never crossed the line in to blatant crudeness. It was in good spirit of the game and we enjoyed our time together.
What I found most interesting was the fighting amongst the U's own fans. I watched as a couple of people almost came to blows over what another had said. I address my earlier comment about loss of brain function. Those of us with a higher function quickly moved away to avoid personal injury. It just makes me shake my head and wonder......why?
As for me I am not bitter, U of U you deserved to win for a variety of reasons (BYU you really dropped the ball and I mean that both figuratively and literally).

Enjoy possible BCS Bowl game and I will be cheering for you. Just remember there is always next year!

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Happy List

I am just so happy right now. While there are a lot of things that I am happy about there are a couple of things in particular that I am most joyous about.
  1. Family- I am just so happy to have such a wonderful family, both the old and the new. It is just a wonderful thing being able to see my family all the time. What a blessing it is to be able to go to their respective homes and spend time with the. Most recently Jake and I were able to go to my sisters house for Sunday dinner. I can't express how much fun it was just relaxing, eating delicious food, talking, and playing with my wonderful nephew and nieces. There are times when I can't help but be in awe at what angels my sister has been blessed with those kids are amazing. While it makes me feel old seeing them grow up and remembering when they were just a figment of my sisters imagination I can't help but marvel at how quickly they learn and love. Jake has been officially integrated into the family by those girls. Kalea has learned how to say his name, while Mele and Uilani instantly jump on him the first chance they get and have to be peeled off with butter and a spatula. They are so willing to love him and it makes me overjoyed. This is not to say that the same hasn't happened to me. His nephew Wyatt always gets the cutest little grin whenever he see me. What an opportunity I get when Jessie needs me to babysit for a few hours. We always have tons of fun playing with his ball, reading a book, or me chasing him around the living room while he tries to hide. It is a real blast and I wouldn't change it for anything. My parents are the best and I miss them everyday as I count down the days till I get to see them again. My in-laws bless their hearts are always so welcoming to me as they know I spend a lot of time by myself while Jake is off bettering himself for our benefit. My siblings-in-law are great too making me feel more and more part of the family. I just love my family both the near and the far.
  2. Stress Release- The last couple of weeks have been a stress: physically, emotionally, mentally. With everything that has been going on lately both on a personal and more general level the stress levels have been rising. I have been battling a chest cold that does not seem to want to leave, Jake has been stressed about school and all of the things that go with that, the cold weather is a foreign matter for me, my mom and her health issues, and the situation with my dad and the possible loss of his job in a few months has been putting some unwanted stress on the family as a whole and individually. It came to a head when I wanted nothing to do with anybody for a day and was more than content to sit and stew alone. But it changed, while those things are still there Jake and I were able to get on better terms and that seemed to make the difference. How nice it is to just be with another person and just BE. There doesn't need to be talking, holding a hand, laughing, or a hug is enough. It is amazing what a stress reliever that can be. Also baking an apple pie helps by keeping the hands busy and the mind centered on a particular task helps. It is a wonder what not really thinking can do for a person, you can organize and sort through everything so much better.
  3. Having a Job- In these uncertain economic times it is just a blessing to have a job Jake and I can go to everyday. Granted we aren't racking in to dough, but we are doing well enough to stay where we are with relative comfort and ease. We are happy to have an apartment and money to get the things that we need. It is dreadful how many families are not as lucky as some are. That is something that I pray for everyday that those that are in need will be able to find something to fit their situations. There is nothing worse than losing that security. Remember those in need and try to help where you can.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another milestone reached

Something on a significant scale happened today at 9:30am at Walden School in Provo. What happened today has been happening to people since dawn of time, or at least since schools have made fieldtrips a common occurrence. I Sashalai Nichols become a chaperon. When did I become old enough that I was mature and able to be given such a responsibility? Isn't this something that is reserved for parents, grandparents, and teachers? It was just a little odd for me to be responsible for the safety of getting three elementary school girls to and from the Utah Valley Symphony at the Provo Tabernacle. I was a little befuddled as to when I had crossed over that line from being just a tutor to being a overseer of young children's lives. I know it wasn't all that far from school to downtown Provo, but still it felt like I had passed a milestone somewhere and forgot to properly pay my dues as a parent first. All in all it was a great trip, I got to listen to some amazing music, be proud that at least the kids that I was directly and indirectly responsible for were being quiet and respectful to the performers and other music-goers. I am looking forward to another opportunity to go out and have fun with the kids and have an adventure with them again.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trick or Treat

Halloween has come and gone. What always amazes me is how much we anticipate the holidays and yet how quickly they are there and gone again. This year was the first year that I didn't go out with friends to pathetically beg others for candy or attend a party of some kind. It was my first year as a married woman, yet sadly I didn't dress up with my husband in a cheesy couples ensemble, though it would have been awesome had Jake and I done that (What a cute Peter Pan he would have been). Instead, I dressed up for work. I find it very sad when the adults don't dress up with the kids at a school. I donned my darling Tinkerbell outfit including matching shoes and wings and participated in the Halloween festivities at good ol' Walden School. It was so much fun to watch all the elementary kids march across the school in their costumes and help in the Halloween party with Miss. Sage & Miss Merin's room. It was loads of fun! I was stationed at the Pictionary corner. It amazed me how creative kids are when an adult has a hard time discerning what a 6-8 is trying to draw.
In my mind the real fun didn't happen till later in the evening when I made my way out to Eagle Mountain to my sister's house to spend the evening with them. when I got there at 5:45 already the streets were being filled with the ghosts, vampires, superheros, princesses, pirates, and other mythical and scary beings that roam the land on Halloween. My three darling nieces were dressed and ready to go, Ui the fabulous Hannah Montana, Mele a dainty pink princess, and Kalea as an adorable green dragon made our way out into the throngs. Ui and Mele quickly left us to go out with a friend while Kalea, my sister, and I made our way around the block. My brother-in-law, George left early with Keioki (sorry still haven't learned how to spell it yet, pronounced Key-o-Key) who was dressed as a round Tigger, to man the house as children came to give the ultimate ultimatum Trick? or Treat?
What made this simple little outing fun beyond measure was what my cute little dragon would do. I had brought a bag of goldfish out with me to munch on as we strolled making the rounds to each doorstep. I gave her a few just because I felt charitable at the beginning. Well, what happened after that just made my sister and her husband laugh, was that every time she came back from a door she would put out her hand and expect a goldfish as a reward. It was so funny because she didn't care about the candy that she was being given as a prize, it was the exotic goldfish that I held that caught her attention. Who would have thought that a simple baked cheesy snack would hold such high standings with a two year old rather than brightly wrapped sugar coated sugar. It was also amazing what a brave little girl she was. Most kids her age scream if Mom or Dad leave their side at the door, not Kalea. She would run to the door, sometimes in the company of others other times solo and would not hesitate. Wondrous I say...wondrous.
After we made it around the block and I became the candy bag holder for the few steps it took to get from door to the next we made it back home. This next segment is precious and very much Kalea. Shayla (my sister), George, Keoki, Kalea, and I sat down to eat some dinner. I was the closest to the door, so I'd walk over and hand out the candy. After doing this a few times I thought it fun to have Kalea help me put it in their buckets, bags, and/or pillowcases. If only I would have known what a hit this would be, I would have had her help me before. Kalea got so excited helping me she'd bolt across the kitchen and living room to get to the door before me. What made it even more entertaining was every time there was a knock her whole body would go ridged for a second with eyes popping out of her head and then she would scrambled down from her chair in record speed and make it to the door before I had taken a few steps. It was amazing how quickly she could be to the door hands at the ready to distribute the much desired sugary goodness. The parents and kids thought it adorable that I had such a devoted and enthusiastic helper. After delivering the candy she would wave and say "Bye-bye" and return to the table for another go.
After doing this several times she would open her eyes wide, point to the door and say with silent enthusiasm "Was that the door? Time to go give out more candy!?" What a funny child she is. And oh how much I love her and my other nieces and nephew so very much. It was a real joy to be able to spend a few hours with them and just hang out as Cool Auntie. Who needs parties when you have nieces that are just so adorable and are willing to be silly and play.

All in all it was a good Halloween.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

To Eat or Not to Eat? That is the Question

For those of you who are aware, I don't like to make dinner for just myself. I think it is a waste of time and effort to enjoy a meal by ones lonesome self. So the solution I have found is to scrounge in the fridge for leftovers or anything that looks even remotely edible. Well this has brought me to me most recent mishap in the Life and Times of Sashalai. This is a continuing saga of that ups and down of what happens to me in my even moving and changing life.

To set the scene it was night, I had gone to the gym and was settling in for another evening till my Darling Husband would waltz through the door and charm me with his presence. My stomach was gurgling for it to be fed. This is when I sauntered over to the fridge for something to munch on. This is when I noticed that I still had some Chili Verde left over from when Geoff and Lisa were over for dinner. I thought about, knew it would be on the side of extra spicy since I used jalapenos instead of the called for green chilies. I shrugged and popped it into the microwave and waited patiently for it to ding and allow me to eat it. I sat in front of the computer with it nestled in my lap while I played a rousing game of internet Sudoku (something that I have become slightly addicted too. As I was playing and taking tiny bites, too big a bite would make my mouth catch on fire. This is when I noticed that the concoction tasted just a little off. Didn't really phase me till the spice was too over powering and I did not want to be up all night with heartburn. So I stopped eating. After a few angry protests from my stomach I thought it best to just through out the rest and not chance it going bad. Ha!! Too late for that one.
The night has worn on and I am starting to get a very complainy tummy that is gurgling and protesting greatly. At this point I still think it is just the spicy and nothing else. Oh the worst is yet to come! Jake and I go to bed and a few hours later when all is quiet and I am trying not to die and wake up Jake at the same time my stomach makes its first violent revolt to my choice of food earlier that night. I scurry to the linoleum temple, as quickly and silently as I can, shut the door and make an offering to the porcelain god. I finish my gracious offering and think myself done. I brush my teeth to rid it of the acrid taste and head back to bed. the pressure is gone, but the pain resides and my stomach continues to assaulting my abdomen with cruel pangs. But the stomach as made an alliance with the intestines and they begin to ambush me with a new wave of grief. I am back and forth from the linoleum temple making my various offerings and I end up on the couch to avoid constantly waking Jake up possibly not being able to make the hurdles over the mounds of pillows that fortify my floor at night. On top of it all I have a fever that makes me feel as though I have the Roman God of fire is stoking an inferno within the confines of my body. The thought of Jake touching me making me hotter causes me to stick to the couch where it is cooler.
In the end it was one of the longest, most miserable nights of my life. I finally end up back in bed once there is nothing left in me to offer to the porcelain god and within minutes the alarm goes off. I crawl out of bed and make a feeble attempt to get ready for work. I don't get very far before my whole body, from the tip of my toes to the top of my heads sags and protests to stay home. I relent, against my normal standing of such things. For those of you who really know me, know that I have gone to work when I had a fever over a 100 and looked like death and was deathly sick for that following weekend. So I called in sick and stayed home. This is one of the best things that I could have done. It was either:Be miserable at work and possible leave early OR stay home and be miserable. Choices, choices. I slept for 5 hours woke up tried to eat some chicken noodle soup Jake so lovingly went to get me and stayed down by reading, sleeping, or just staring at the ceiling. I am happy to say that my fever finally broke in the late afternoon and I started to be able to drink fluids. I desperately needed them, since I had lost so much through the night and during the day from it coming out both ends. Jake finally got home and I was so overjoyed at being able to eat a bagel and I slept deeply despite having slept most of the day away.
I am giddy to report that I am recovered, for the most part, still very thirsty though and I have been eating again. Food seems to taste better when it is revolting for full 24 hours. I have learned my lesson and I will not eat food over a week old, if I do it will be too soon. I do not want to have food poisoning again. The thought makes me shudder.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Wednesday Dinners

It has been awhile since I last made a post, so I think it time to make a new one. I could say that not much has happened since I last said anything concerning....well anything, but that would be a partial lie and since I had a lesson on Honesty in Church I'll concede to saying that things have happened though not of an interesting manner to many.
Recently I have started to have dinner with my wonderful in-laws on Wednesdays, since I am over there any way finishing my laundry. It is great being able to have dinner with them because, regretfully, I was unable to get to know them while Jake and I were dating. When I was around they were off doing their thing and while Jake and I were running around doing our thing. This made quality time scarce. There is also the fact that I was scared of them. Now, before people freak out and think me a horrible person it should be said that I am easily intimidated and shy away from those that I think to be successful, intelligent, talented and the list goes on and on. This makes it very difficult for me to open up and feel comfortable enough to express myself and allows others to see me. As I have been around them, I have come to realize that I am a very silly person to be so intimidated when they may be as uncomfortable as I am. This is a flaw I am very well aware of in myself. Jake just shakes his head, grabs me by the hand and shoves me in the direction I need to go. It is funny how Jake is the extrovert now, while I tend to move inwards in public situations. Odd how people can change so much in 2 years.
Yet I digress from my intended topic. So. Dinners are great since we can sit and get a better bearing of each other as we sit and consume a delicious meal (I couldn't have married into a better family since they always prepare such succulent meals :D) I am very blessed since I have such a wonderful family that is so willing to take me in, since I am alone most nights, and provide me the opportunity to strengthen the relationship that is still so tender and young.
I am just so grateful for everything they have provided me (and Jake as well) with, both the tangible and the intangible. There are things they ate given that they may not be aware of and it just makes me smile to know that they give so lovingly and without a hint of wanting recompense. I love this family and would not change the circumstances for anything because if they were different I don't think I would be as grateful as I am today.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What a Fabulous Week

This week has been a good week. What made it so great is that I was able to have my best guy friend from California come and visit. Granted, he did have other motives for coming but I am going to say that it was for me that he decided to traverse the vast expanse of nothingness called Nevada to spend a little time with me here in Happy Valley. It was great just being able to see him and remind me why I love him as a friend so very much. It is also great because work, while still insane because it is Walden, was a little less so, in some aspects, due to the fact that it was TimpLodge week. This means that all the students, with the exception of the Kinders, spent some time up at TimpLodge and were able to have tons of fun. Sadly I had to stay down in the normal world, despite some protests from the kids that I tutor, and do other adult things that needed to be done. The bright side is that one day I got off because those that I teach were all gone and I nothing to do expect nap and take it easy for a day. It was wondrous.

Another thing that was good about this week I was able to see my Aunt Nan on the news. The miraculous thing about this is that she had been dead for about 3 months. Fox news was running a special thing at 5 that was paying tribute to the organization that she helped to create for kids a place they can go and to keep them off of the streets. All of her biker buddies, she was a serious Harley-biker, had a church that set this up out in Tooele. I was able to call up my Grandpa and Grandma Jensen, Nan is Grandpa's daughter my grandma's step-daughter, and let them in on the news. They were so excited to hear that she was on the news and they are trying to get a copy of it so they can put it with her memoirs, of sorts.

Jake and I went on a date. This may not sound overly exciting to most, but we don't get to go out very often together since he works and goes to school all day. But! We went to a play at BYU, Dial M for Murder, and it was fantastic! We plan on going more often now that school is in session and plays will me more accessible to us. I am so excited since I absolutely adore going to plays/musicals!! What a blessing it is to be so close and have the means of going to them again.

I am loving life and I couldn't be happier with what I have. I am truly grateful.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Scenic Views

Every morning I wake up at 7 am to get ready for work while Jake runs off to the gym or just running. I leave the house by 7:50 to get to work. Aside from waking up before I want to I get the greatest view each morning. I have the opportunity to see the beautiful mountains in all of their splendor. It is amazing how the mountains a ginormous pile of rock, dirt, and plants that could be so awe inspiring. I love being able to watch the colors change from that deep purple to lighter shades as the sun decides to creep over the peaks and spread rays of light warming the the cold dark earth. It is beautiful. I don't know what it is that makes me love it so much but I do.
While the morning has such a power over me the evening does too. When I go to the gym in the evening I get to see the mountains lit up with the most glorious shades of red and orange. I almost ran a stop sign because I was mesmerized by it beauty. It always amazes me how the same sun can have such different affects. One being soft and subtle chasing away darkness, yet when setting have such an intensity that takes the breath away while welcoming in the darkness after a long day. I love it!!

Don't get me wrong. I love the Golden Hills of California. I love the way the green or golden grass waves on the gentle rolling hills as the wind blows with the cows peacefully graze. It is glorious to see it standing on a quiet hilltop after a invigorating hike. I do miss California. I miss being able to go the ocean after being on the hilltop and watch the endless blue/gray waves tirelessly crash on the rough sandy shore. The sound of the waves pushing and pulling on the sand making a hissing sound every time it pulls away. The smell of the sea carried effortlessly on the continuous ocean wind. How the ocean gleams with the rays of the sun bounce off the horizon creating rainbows in the spray or having the sky lit up from fire red to the deepest blues with stars peeking our as it sets.

It is hard to decide what is more amazing to watch. I don't think that I could ever choose since I have been able to experience both and love both. If only I could put these two loves together then it would be perfect. Sadly that wont happen. I will just have to live with my memories of California sunrises and sunsets and drink in the beautiful wonder that Utah is able to provide for me now. I do love living in Utah and I do not regret ever moving here for I have found plenty to be grateful both in the scenic beauty and the beauty of family. Both are beautiful to witness on a daily basis and something that I can never tire of viewing time and time again.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

One-Two-Three Kick!

Recently I joined the gym with Jake to shed some of the unwanted pounds I may or may not have gained since I moved. It has been great because I can feel a difference in mood. I feel better, I am sleeping deeper, for the most part I still have "those nights", and I seem to have more energy to get through the day. Granted my days aren't that strenuous...but still! I am loving it. What makes it better is that a friend of my mine from Livermore, yes Livermore the town I hail from, lives in Orem too and she is at the gym as well. It is always great being able to go with someone to be a more motivated to go after work.

So we had an adventure yesterday. We decided to go to one of the classes that they offer. It is the Body Firm class. We thought it was going to something that we would be able to pick up with little problem...this is not the case quite the opposite actually. Within the first few minutes we were so turned around that we couldn't really get with it. I am not joking when I say we were almost run over several times by an energetic old woman. I don't see how people are able to be so energetic and not die of overexertion. I have to admit that we felt really dumb flapping our arms and kicking our legs at weird angles and times while most of the others were hopping, bopping, kicking, punching, and hi-yaing with the over stimulating, not just the tempo but volume, music. We couldn't hear what was being said. While this sounds like a horrible experience I have to admit that it was fun being able to do it with someone who I have a friendship with so I didn't feel to idiotic. It was also nice to break the routine that we had and be able to do something different. All in all I think I'll stick with Richard Simmons with Sweatin' to the Oldies in all of his wonder of ultra-short shorts and hilarious expressions.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Change of the Season

Summer is on it's way out and with it goes the heat. Thank goodness! Don't get me wrong I am certified California sun-worshiper, but the way the heat turns my apartment into a sauna is unbearable. I can't tell you how many times we had to go to sleep with the fans on full blast, on top of the blankets, a mile from each other (because we will burst into flames if we touch for more than a second), and with otter-pops pressed on our bodies to help ease to intensity of the agony of heat.


Summer is retreating and now Jake and I can enjoy nights of cuddling without having to sweat half our bodies weight for a few moments of husband and wife time. Not just that!! We were able to go and purchase our comforter for the bed. It is wondrous. Jake loves it because it adds the weight, heat, and classic conditioning that winter is coming. I am just happy that I can be in the apartment and not melt. I do have to admit that the cuddle time has gotten longer and more enjoyable, especially if it is a rain night and we can hear the sound of the rain hit the leaves outside our window, feel the breeze come in through the window, and smell of clean and wet while snuggled deep in our many layers of blankets. What a wonderful thing to share with someone you love, adore, and want to make those memories and connections with.

With the change of the seasons I also have this uncontrollable urge, need, and desire to make and eat all the holiday sweets. I am grateful that I don't have the resources and I have to the willpower to resist. But there is something about the cold weather that makes me want to bake and just swim in the delicious aromas that can be made, not to mention the savory tastes and textures that come with it. I also love the family time that ensues with this time of year. Family is a very important concept for me and when you can share these things with them, what could be better? I say nothing.

I say farewell to Summer and I gladly welcome Fall with open arms.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

One MonthThoughts

Jake and I have been married a whole month!! I can't believe it. While I know that it has only been little over a month since we did our I Do's, but it feels like we have been married so much longer. We have gone through a ton in this last month. There was the whole wedding thing, a honeymoon, I had a funeral to go to two days after I got home from Florida, I started a new job at Walden School, insurances to get started and worked out, gifts to open and sort through, shopping for things that we still need, Jake started school this last week. It has been a whirlwind of activity. And to be perfectly honest I wouldn't trade any of the frustrations or joyfulness for anything in the world. I know that this is all just part of becoming an adult and starting a married life.

Many of my still single friends ask how I am liking and adjusting to married life. I have to be perfectly honest with them, I would change a thing. Being single was great, being able to go out and do what I want, when I want and not have to check in or ask if it is okay, but what a thrill it is knowing that there is someone waiting for me at home, wanting me to be there to spend time with. It is also great to know that if things aren't going well there is someone who cares to know and tries to figure out or just listen to the problem. That eternal support system is such a blessing and I don't see how people would want to jeopardize a relationship like that and just throw it away or not even want one to start with some special. How sad. I love my husband with everything that I have and it continues to grow with every passing day. Marriage is a wonderful blessing that should not be taken lightly and held onto with everything a person has.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Honeymoon Adventures

We're back!! Jake and I are officially back from our Honeymoon from to Florida. It was such a wonderful adventure for the two of us. Jake had never been there and I hadn't been there for over a....well a long time. We went places, saw things, did stuff, and Jake nursed me back to health (I'll explain this don't worry).

So our adventure starts off with the two of us spending an extensive amount of time in the confines of the car as we traverse the sparse barren land of Nevada. Whoever decided to willingly live, outside of being in big City i.e. Reno or Vegas is crazy! It is a bazillion degrees and you are in the middle of nowhere with little prospects of anything other than sagebrush, dirt, and rocks. I am not that big of a fan of Nevada....sorry.

We got there with no problem and Jake and I were able to go to dinner with my bestest guy-friend Sean and visit with my former Boss Fran. We were stuffed beyond belief (this being just the beginning of our eating out ventures) and content to being able to visit with two of my favorite people in California. This is the part of the story where you get the run down why Jake had to bring me back from the point of death. We went shopping for some shorts after dinner and everything was fine till I started to have pain in my back. This isn't the pain you get with a pinched nerve or pulled muscle. This was a sharp pain that would not let up. After deliberation, and the threat of me being in serious trouble Jake, my mom, and I rush to the emergency room at 10pm with me crying in the back seat praying for death to take me. After a quick blood test and CATScan it turns out I myself a nasty kidney infection. They pump me full of pain meds and antibiotics and a prescription for me to take. I am so tired from this whole thing that I am asleep by the time I am dragged into the house and put to bed. It was one of the worst nights, in terms of pain, that I have had to endure in at least 8 years. I would rank it up there with the time when I had debilitating painful ovarian cysts. Jake also made me drink cup after cup of Cranberry juice...YUCK!!!

By the next day I was feeling better and was able to visit my kids at ESS. It was so funny because Jake and I walked in and it took them a minute to realize that it was me. After they realized it was me they all got up causing a mad stampede tackling me to the floor. I LOVED IT!! I miss those kids so much that it was nice being able to see them again, even though I wasn't able to see some of my more favorite ones (shhh I wasn't supposed to have favorites). Jake was so adorable running around playing with my kids. I even got in on the action, but it caused me to feel sick again. It was so worth it though being able to play the Tickle Monster just one more time. As I was running around playing, I was able to watch Jake with them and it just reinforced my assumption that he is going to be best Dad, when it comes time. It is the way he plays with them, how he is able to get on their level, relate, and just have fun with them. I love it!

When we were getting ready to leave because I was in so much pain, we had a Q&A session. I am always amazed what kids come up with. Some of them caused the adults in the room to check themselves from not laughing at the implications that they had no idea they were asking.

Saturday Jake, Sean, and I went to have lunch with Fran in San Jose. It was great being able to sit down and just enjoy each others company and enjoy some good authentic Chinese food. Our Open house was that night and we able to greet those people from California and just have some pudding, which I still haven't gotten any of, and cake.

Our fight to Orlando was at such an early time that I was convinced that only scheduled these flights to punish those that are going to have fun at the theme parks. We got to the airport with time to spare so we decided to get something to nibble on since I was getting hungry and they had to page us or we would have missed the plane!! Long flight, that is all that needs to be said.

Florida is hot and humid!! Even at night you can't get a real break. The humidity was so high that it felt like you could swim or drink the air. We did Universal Studios and Disney World. Each had their perks, but our favorite park was Islands of Adventure! It was so much fun. It had the best rides (Hulk, Dr. Doom, Dueling Dragons, Jurassic Park, Dudley Do-Right...) and the best scenery. We loved it!! We are so going back.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wedded Bliss- Day 5

Jake and I have been married for a whole 5 days and it has been total bliss. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to know that I am sealed to such a wonderful man for time and all eternity. Awesome!! I love being able to have the knowledge that we will be together forever and so will our future family (no worries it will be awhile till that happens =P). After such a long time we finally are able to see each other everyday and not have to rely on phone calls or short visits to satisfy us. What a blessing it is being able to have him be the first and last thing I see everyday. I love it.

I know that it is a bit cliche but I am on cloud-nine and never want to come down. This newlywed phase is the best. The two of us are able to continue to explore and find out new and exciting things about each other as we strive to consolidate and learn to live with each other. I couldn't ask for of any better than the moments we have right now.

At this time I would also like to thank all those that helped to bring this union together. Both of our families were such a supportive pillar as we began this joyous life change. While I can't thank each individual here just know that Jake and I are very appreciative of everything that you might have done for us both big and small. It was a true relief knowing that we had such a wonderful support system of family and friends. We love you all and hope that we will continue to have this support as we all continue through this adventure called LIFE.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just a few wonderful moments of a wonderful day...

Friday, July 25, 2008

I wrote this poem to read to you at your wedding dinner, but since the circumstances didn't allow, I thought I would post it as your first official blog entry:
Married life isn’t easy but it’s every bit fun
You are suddenly wed! Not a two, but a one
The best words I will give is advice that WE got:
It’s Remember your HAVES, not just all your HAVE NOTS!

You have two brains for working out wrinkles and kinks
Four eyes can sure scowl but it’s more fun to wink!
You’ve got double the ears, they are all made to hear
But a sweet simple whisper pulls you close, draws them near!

You two have such sweet kissers, you can use them to peck
you can use them to WHINE, or to speak with RESPECT
All those hands, you have now to find every which way
To break through many walls that build up day by day

Use your fingers to tickle, slide together your palms
Write some sappy love letters and shake hands after qualms
Don’t forget to link elbows, cross your ankles and knees
Go ahead and play footsies, lick your lips, be a tease!

You have family to turn to, you have friends to hold tight
You have years to perfect things, to flip wrongs into rights
You have secrets and stories only you two will share
You have dreams, prayers, and wishes, you’ve got youth, you’ve got HAIR!

You have knowledge and freedom and passion and love
You have tons of support from down here and above
You have laughter and patience and hugs, you have heart
So don’t be afraid of this new life to start

‘Cuz you have much, much more than the things you have not
And my sweet, newlyweds, it adds up to a lot!

Good Luck! We sure love you and are glad to HAVE YOU in the family! Please enjoy this blog as a way to keep up with your friends and family both in Utah AND in California!
