In the on going chronicles of The Dungeon, we have a new chapter to write.
With the changing of the seasons, from summer to autumn, it has become apparent that new clothing, more lighting, and added bedding will be needed to maintain a more comfortable environment within the confines of the dungeon. While this is note worthy there is something that only adds to the brilliance and ambiance of our subterranean abode. We now have the addition of a moat. Yes, you read correctly, a moat. At the bottom of our stairwell we have acquired a small lake. In the two days of rain it has risen to an astounding depth of 1 1/2". Jake and I are considering the addition of an arctic alligator or snapping turtle to live in the moat. If the rain continues as it has been and the drain at the bottom is not fixed it will threaten to flood our front room. How fitting since dungeons are supposed to be dank and dark.
The Nichols

Monday, October 25, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
One week down
I have survived my first week at a new school with new kids all wrapped up in new sets of rules to follow. After days of not knowing what I am doing half the time, not with my new kid but on where we are supposed to be or doing, I can officially say that I love it! If I had to pick the most difficult thing that I have had to deal with it is my sleeping schedule. Having to get up 6:40am and be at work by 8:15am has proved my biggest problem. My body want to sleep. I think that starting to be sick hasn't helped much. But! I have made it and am ready and willing to push through it all because I love my co-workers and the students at Reagan Academy. They are truly the complete opposite of what I am used to working with. They fit me so much better. I look forward to the school year and getting to know them.
One week down and 8 months and 3 weeks to go!
One week down and 8 months and 3 weeks to go!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The search is over!
I am now a proud new employee at Reagan Academy in Springville. This is another charter school with more structure, staff that are certified and who are seasoned enough to know what they are doing. I love it! I am going to be doing the exact same thing that I was at Walden. What this means is that I am responsible for helping to "normalize" an eight year old boy who has high functioning Asperger's. The only difference is that this little boy is not out of control. He is used to the rigors of the school and doesn't have emotional outbursts very often or ever anymore. He will just need me to help with the transitions between classes/subjects and to cultivate his social skills. Compared to what I had to deal with, this is going to be a cake walk. I am also being paid a little more, have more hours, and actually be part of a staff and not just the "hired" Jack-of-all-trades kind of help. Granted I have to dress a little nicer, which means I have to go shopping for more work appropriate clothes, but I think I can manage that. I am excited to start a new chapter and move on to greener pastures, as it where. I am grateful for the opportunity. The bounty may have faltered a little at the beginning and middle of the Summer, but it is turning into a fruitful Autumn.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Double good...
As many of you know, I was laid off from Walden not to long ago. I have been looking for something new with out much success. I was browsing the internet and I came across an ad that has caused my heart rate to sky rocket and my blood to start boiling. What I found was a Help wanted for my old job!!!!! It is from Walden!! This makes me so angry, livid, irate...I could keep going. How can they get rid of me?! I mean what the heck. I was good at my job. I took a child that was on the verge of being pulled/kicked out of the school and made him into a functioning prospering student.
How dare they get rid of me and say it is due to budget cuts and the post my job on Craigslist. Budget cuts my fanny. If there was a problem I could have dealt with it and tried to fix it, but they took the cowards way out of the situation. What irritates me is that they didn't even bother to see if I was still available. I think all that school has lost all of its self respect if they are treating people like this, especially ones that worked as hard as I did.
How dare they get rid of me and say it is due to budget cuts and the post my job on Craigslist. Budget cuts my fanny. If there was a problem I could have dealt with it and tried to fix it, but they took the cowards way out of the situation. What irritates me is that they didn't even bother to see if I was still available. I think all that school has lost all of its self respect if they are treating people like this, especially ones that worked as hard as I did.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Get right back on
This week, yesterday to be precise, something happened that really jarred my brain, well my elbow and hip to be more accurate. My friend and I were getting ready to take the horses out when the wind shifted on us and started to blow the storms we have been having right back at us. I was on the horse and it got spooked by a flash of lightening and threw me. Now, I have never been on a horse that was so spooked that much, didn't help that I was bareback. Luckily, I had enough wits about me and my friend was there I fell and rolled away from the horse instead of being trampled. I am just grateful that in the end all I came out with as some minor bumps and bruises and a muddled sense the experience. I now know: change of wind, lightening, and no saddle are a really bad combination. Don't worry, horse and rider are fine. Fine enough to be able to go out again this fine clear morning for a nice ride. Interesting that a flash of lightening with spook, but two snakes slithering across the path doesn't phase, this is the opposite for me. You do need to just get right back on and enjoy the ride.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Giddy Up
Yesterday I had to opportunity to go and ride, with the daughter of a friend of mine, their horses around South Provo. It was so glorious. I love to go horseback riding, I find it to be very freeing and just exhilarating. It made the morning awesome. We were able to draw some kids out a house and they came running out pointing and shouting.They made such a commotion that their mom, who was mowing the lawn and the time, stopped and had to figure out what they were all excited about. So we stopped and let them pet the horses for a bit. It was so fun to watch their faces contort from glee to apprehension and back to glee in a single moment.
While it is true I am no cowgirl, I can get the horse to do what I want, most of the time, with little problem. It also needs to be taken into account that I had a fairly mellow steed, but could be stubborn when he wanted to be. I am still proud I didn't fall off when he, Prince "Mallow", became skittish, or decided that he wanted to be in front by lopping ahead of Shooter. My aches are all worth it and I am looking forward to when I can do it all again.
While it is true I am no cowgirl, I can get the horse to do what I want, most of the time, with little problem. It also needs to be taken into account that I had a fairly mellow steed, but could be stubborn when he wanted to be. I am still proud I didn't fall off when he, Prince "Mallow", became skittish, or decided that he wanted to be in front by lopping ahead of Shooter. My aches are all worth it and I am looking forward to when I can do it all again.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time of Bounty
It is the summer, the time when things are in a state of bounty and harvest. Jake and I are starting to experience such a season in our lives. We are being able to save a little more, here and there, and we keep being blessed.Recently, just applied for scholarship at UVU and we have been waiting ever so patiently to hear some word as to whether or not he will be selected and receive anything. Well, the wait is over! He got the letter today that he will receive half scholarships for the next two semesters. This means that we will only have to pay half of the tuition, this is about $918 a semester. How awesome is that. By having that we will have to pay less back once he graduates. What a blessing that is, less stress to get the money needed. Hopefully he can get another scholarship, since he is still eligible for others, and have them help out even more. Let us help and continue to be grateful for what we have.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
To move or not to move?
So Jake and I are at a some fork in the road, a crossroads as it were. Recently we have been discussing the prospect of leaving our humble apartment for "greener" pastures. We have had feelers out in the ward for any chance of a new residency and we have caught one. The only catch, it is the basement, with hideous orange, yes orange, carpet and a dropped ceiling. True we will have lower rent, and the possibility of having more freedom in decorating and altering of the living space, and maybe I can get me cat finally. Yet, the only problem is that we have to make a decision by Saturday, our contract with Remington will expire on the 22nd, and some how move all of our stuff while all the time Jake and I are both working, my parents are in town, and we have a wedding to get to in Ogden Saturday afternoon. Did I mention that my little brother is supposed to be staying with us as well for some of the weekend? I just seems as though everything has suddenly built up around this one weekend. I am fairly sure that we will take it, even though it does not have a dishwasher...yes a small thing to get stuck on, but seriously dishpan hands are not the greatest thing for an already dry skinned person to have to deal with. I'll let you know how it all turns out Monday when the dust has settled and I can tell you where I have made my bed.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Random from Youtube
Jake showed me this guy on youtube and he just makes me smile and you can't help but sing-a-long and be amazed at his ability to rhyme.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Popcorn popping!
Spring has sprung! Let the praises ring out throughout the land. Oh how I love spring. I love being able to look out my window at home and at work and see the grass coming back to life in vibrant colors, trees putting forth tender new leaves (even popcorn!!), birds chirping announcing the day. It truly is a glorious time of the year. Our apartment is able to be refreshed with the gentle breezes and you can take naps in the sun. Oh how I love the spring.
Time to put away the sweaters, pants, and shoes, and break out the t-shirts, shorts, and sandals.
Time to put away the sweaters, pants, and shoes, and break out the t-shirts, shorts, and sandals.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Clearer Vision
I recently went to the eye doctor for the first time in about 4 years. I didn't really realize how fuzzy and unclear everything has been. Just being able to see things in a more crisp and clear way has changed my perspective a little. It has made me think about how important it is to see clearly in the physical world as well as the figurative world. I have come to the conclusion that I need to have a check up and find out if I am seeing clearly on what my goals are for me. Do I like where I am? Should I change my place of work at the end of this school year and start fresh? I think that is what I might do to better my position and find a job where I am perceived in a more defining light, rather than the fuzzy ambiguous station I am currently. We'll see where this new perspective will lead me. To clear definition and deeper insight.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Workers what?
I know you have all heard me rant, rave, and generally complain about insurance companies before, but it still just blows my mind that almost a full year after my ankle injury I am still having to deal with the insurance companies. One would think that after countless calls, explanations, and even a few times with me being a raging ball of anger towards the poor unsuspecting customer service rep, we would have come to a conclusion and resolved this whole matter and been able to put it behind us. No this is NOT the case. There is still the matter of one bill being labeled as a workers comp. How or why it was ever labeled as such is beyond me. I guess what I find to be the most frustrating is that I keep getting bills, that are becoming increasingly more agitated. I have a vision of a Howler from Harry Potter, you know when Ron and Harry drive the car to school and end up Whomping Willow fertilizer..... That is how I feel when I see yet another notice of a past due payment. I thought, or so said the gentleman from UHC, I wouldn't have to deal with them again because they were going to straighten it out. The poor fellow was the recipient of a good tongue lashing with a very frustrated and overwhelmed me on the other end. I guess the old saying still holds true.."If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself". This is what I am doing, I loath it, and I want it done and over with.
Please for the sake of your own sanity don't get hurt while walking across a seemingly innocent piece of grass, the pain will only linger.
Please for the sake of your own sanity don't get hurt while walking across a seemingly innocent piece of grass, the pain will only linger.
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