For those of you who are aware, I don't like to make dinner for just myself. I think it is a waste of time and effort to enjoy a meal by ones lonesome self. So the solution I have found is to scrounge in the fridge for leftovers or anything that looks even remotely edible. Well this has brought me to me most recent mishap in the Life and Times of Sashalai. This is a continuing saga of that ups and down of what happens to me in my even moving and changing life.
To set the scene it was night, I had gone to the gym and was settling in for another evening till my Darling Husband would waltz through the door and charm me with his presence. My stomach was gurgling for it to be fed. This is when I sauntered over to the fridge for something to munch on. This is when I noticed that I still had some Chili Verde left over from when Geoff and Lisa were over for dinner. I thought about, knew it would be on the side of extra spicy since I used jalapenos instead of the called for green chilies. I shrugged and popped it into the microwave and waited patiently for it to ding and allow me to eat it. I sat in front of the computer with it nestled in my lap while I played a rousing game of internet Sudoku (something that I have become slightly addicted too. As I was playing and taking tiny bites, too big a bite would make my mouth catch on fire. This is when I noticed that the concoction tasted just a little off. Didn't really phase me till the spice was too over powering and I did not want to be up all night with heartburn. So I stopped eating. After a few angry protests from my stomach I thought it best to just through out the rest and not chance it going bad. Ha!! Too late for that one.
The night has worn on and I am starting to get a very complainy tummy that is gurgling and protesting greatly. At this point I still think it is just the spicy and nothing else. Oh the worst is yet to come! Jake and I go to bed and a few hours later when all is quiet and I am trying not to die and wake up Jake at the same time my stomach makes its first violent revolt to my choice of food earlier that night. I scurry to the linoleum temple, as quickly and silently as I can, shut the door and make an offering to the porcelain god. I finish my gracious offering and think myself done. I brush my teeth to rid it of the acrid taste and head back to bed. the pressure is gone, but the pain resides and my stomach continues to assaulting my abdomen with cruel pangs. But the stomach as made an alliance with the intestines and they begin to ambush me with a new wave of grief. I am back and forth from the linoleum temple making my various offerings and I end up on the couch to avoid constantly waking Jake up possibly not being able to make the hurdles over the mounds of pillows that fortify my floor at night. On top of it all I have a fever that makes me feel as though I have the Roman God of fire is stoking an inferno within the confines of my body. The thought of Jake touching me making me hotter causes me to stick to the couch where it is cooler.
In the end it was one of the longest, most miserable nights of my life. I finally end up back in bed once there is nothing left in me to offer to the porcelain god and within minutes the alarm goes off. I crawl out of bed and make a feeble attempt to get ready for work. I don't get very far before my whole body, from the tip of my toes to the top of my heads sags and protests to stay home. I relent, against my normal standing of such things. For those of you who really know me, know that I have gone to work when I had a fever over a 100 and looked like death and was deathly sick for that following weekend. So I called in sick and stayed home. This is one of the best things that I could have done. It was either:Be miserable at work and possible leave early OR stay home and be miserable. Choices, choices. I slept for 5 hours woke up tried to eat some chicken noodle soup Jake so lovingly went to get me and stayed down by reading, sleeping, or just staring at the ceiling. I am happy to say that my fever finally broke in the late afternoon and I started to be able to drink fluids. I desperately needed them, since I had lost so much through the night and during the day from it coming out both ends. Jake finally got home and I was so overjoyed at being able to eat a bagel and I slept deeply despite having slept most of the day away.
I am giddy to report that I am recovered, for the most part, still very thirsty though and I have been eating again. Food seems to taste better when it is revolting for full 24 hours. I have learned my lesson and I will not eat food over a week old, if I do it will be too soon. I do not want to have food poisoning again. The thought makes me shudder.
The Nichols

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Wednesday Dinners
It has been awhile since I last made a post, so I think it time to make a new one. I could say that not much has happened since I last said anything concerning....well anything, but that would be a partial lie and since I had a lesson on Honesty in Church I'll concede to saying that things have happened though not of an interesting manner to many.
Recently I have started to have dinner with my wonderful in-laws on Wednesdays, since I am over there any way finishing my laundry. It is great being able to have dinner with them because, regretfully, I was unable to get to know them while Jake and I were dating. When I was around they were off doing their thing and while Jake and I were running around doing our thing. This made quality time scarce. There is also the fact that I was scared of them. Now, before people freak out and think me a horrible person it should be said that I am easily intimidated and shy away from those that I think to be successful, intelligent, talented and the list goes on and on. This makes it very difficult for me to open up and feel comfortable enough to express myself and allows others to see me. As I have been around them, I have come to realize that I am a very silly person to be so intimidated when they may be as uncomfortable as I am. This is a flaw I am very well aware of in myself. Jake just shakes his head, grabs me by the hand and shoves me in the direction I need to go. It is funny how Jake is the extrovert now, while I tend to move inwards in public situations. Odd how people can change so much in 2 years.
Yet I digress from my intended topic. So. Dinners are great since we can sit and get a better bearing of each other as we sit and consume a delicious meal (I couldn't have married into a better family since they always prepare such succulent meals :D) I am very blessed since I have such a wonderful family that is so willing to take me in, since I am alone most nights, and provide me the opportunity to strengthen the relationship that is still so tender and young.
I am just so grateful for everything they have provided me (and Jake as well) with, both the tangible and the intangible. There are things they ate given that they may not be aware of and it just makes me smile to know that they give so lovingly and without a hint of wanting recompense. I love this family and would not change the circumstances for anything because if they were different I don't think I would be as grateful as I am today.
Recently I have started to have dinner with my wonderful in-laws on Wednesdays, since I am over there any way finishing my laundry. It is great being able to have dinner with them because, regretfully, I was unable to get to know them while Jake and I were dating. When I was around they were off doing their thing and while Jake and I were running around doing our thing. This made quality time scarce. There is also the fact that I was scared of them. Now, before people freak out and think me a horrible person it should be said that I am easily intimidated and shy away from those that I think to be successful, intelligent, talented and the list goes on and on. This makes it very difficult for me to open up and feel comfortable enough to express myself and allows others to see me. As I have been around them, I have come to realize that I am a very silly person to be so intimidated when they may be as uncomfortable as I am. This is a flaw I am very well aware of in myself. Jake just shakes his head, grabs me by the hand and shoves me in the direction I need to go. It is funny how Jake is the extrovert now, while I tend to move inwards in public situations. Odd how people can change so much in 2 years.
Yet I digress from my intended topic. So. Dinners are great since we can sit and get a better bearing of each other as we sit and consume a delicious meal (I couldn't have married into a better family since they always prepare such succulent meals :D) I am very blessed since I have such a wonderful family that is so willing to take me in, since I am alone most nights, and provide me the opportunity to strengthen the relationship that is still so tender and young.
I am just so grateful for everything they have provided me (and Jake as well) with, both the tangible and the intangible. There are things they ate given that they may not be aware of and it just makes me smile to know that they give so lovingly and without a hint of wanting recompense. I love this family and would not change the circumstances for anything because if they were different I don't think I would be as grateful as I am today.
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